Welcome to our Law Firm in Heidelberg
As one of the oldest law firms in Germany, we have been actively serving our clients for over 100 years. Indeed, as a mark of this longevity and stability, we have served some families through four generations, in all legal matters relating to Family Law, Legacy Law, Tax Law and Criminal law for tax offences, Real Estate Law, law of tenancy and Lease Law and Law of advance directives. Through this wealth of experience, we are able to provide an exceptional level of individual client care.As part of the innovative business district of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, we have a strong relationship with the University, beeing able to assist and support our clients in questions of School Law, Education Law, Labor Law & Civil Service Law.
Over a period of decades, Spillner & Spitz has developed a renowned competency in the areas of Administrative Law, Construction Law, Planning Law, Environmental Law and Environmental Contamination Law. In these areas, we advise and represent businesses, private individuals, communities and citizens´ initiatives.
Through our creative solutions we are able to react to technical and legal developments with flexibility and the most up-to-date legal knowledge.
In addition to these legal services, we run seminars and produce publications, with regular newsletters designed to inform our clients of current legal issues and their solutions.
Our clients are the centre of our work and their success is our priority.
Wir sind für Sie da
Spillner & SpitzRechtsanwälte GbR
Sofienstr. 7b
69115 Heidelberg
Telefon: 06221 / 1474 - 0
Telefax: 06221 / 1474 - 24
Mail: kontakt@spillnerspitz.de